I've been on deployment to Pennsylvania for the past few months and I'm looking forward to going home next week. It's not that I don't like talking with people and educating them about flood recovery and things a home owner can do. But the media incited public babble of the past week me looking forward to being with people who understand the meaning of morality.
For many years Penn State University sheltered a peadophile in their football program, had been informed of the persons crimes and had done nothing to remove the individual from their ranks and turn him over to the police for investigation and possible criminal procedings. As usually happens when the tawdry affair was finally brought to the light of day those responsible for doing nothing are breathlessly claiming that they never knew a thing. It looks like several of them might be going to jail, the perpatrator is looking forward to being "Bubba's best friend" for the rest of his life and the head football coach has been fired after 46 years on the job.
What makes me glad to be leaving and returning home is that a poll of Pennsylvania residents found that well over half of the people they talked to think that firing the coach, a man who knew that his assistant was an active peadophile and only mentioned it in passing to his boss after some one had seen the perp in a criminal act with a minor boy.
When I was growing up that kind of behavior would get you hard time, if the neighborhood even let you live long enough to go to trial. And where I live now there would be no hesitation to "discuss the situation" in private long before the courts cam into the picture.
I'll be glad to see the open plains of the MidWest.