Friday, February 4, 2011

Regime Change

Some regimes change periodically when the electorate decides they want a different party in power. Other regimes are reluctant to leave their position of power and need to be “nudged” so another party can take over and usually corrupt the government just like the old regime did.

I’ve been watching with interest the regime change that is about to take place in Egypt. Of all the Muslim societies that country is about the most liberal government you could find in the region. They allow their citizens a periodic vote, the all enveloping burka is generally not encouraged and they allow women to participate in government and education with opportunities equal to the male population. There is corruption and there is a repressive structure to their government but compared to other Muslim countries in the region it’s moderate.  

The uneducated and the ultra conservatives they support have been convinced by the mad mullahs into believing that they have an opportunity to build a government based on a 6th century culture and way of life. I fear that any regime change we see in Egypt will look more like the Taliban of Afghanistan than the democratic countries we see outside the Muslim world.

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