Friday, September 12, 2014

Theater of the Absurd

Last week the media reported that the Federal Reserve Board believes the reason for the poor economy is that people are “hoarding money” rather than spending every cent they make and overusing their credit cards.


After six years of an inept administration that has put the economy close to negative growth figures and with consumer spending almost at standstill they still believe that all we need to do is spend more money and tax the other guy. Our economic problems have nothing to do with high taxation rates, inordinate health care expenses for people and businesses or escalating consumer prices for food and energy. The Fed is on record as saying the fault is ours because we aren’t spending enough money.

The Fed and the economist elite fail to understand that Americans have been abused by their decisions to cheapen the dollar by issuing tons of fiat money that has only devalued the money people work so hard to earn. So many jobs have been lost as a result those recent attempts by the administration to create minimum wage jobs have flopped.

The cost of basic goods and utilities such as food, electricity and fuel are nearly double a decade ago yet average household income has sunk to 1967 levels and there is no end in sight to the misery a series of bad decisions by an administration that doesn’t believe Americans are capable of thinking. The result of all those decisions is that people are not able to save money, they are running hard just to keep up with cost, and they are certainly not hoarding! I’ve come to believe that the term “hoarding” and similar pejoratives so freely used by the administration are merely a means to stigmatize certain behaviors they don’t understand.

Come to think of it … don’t be surprised if someday in the future a government representative knocks on your door, enters without cause and inventories your food cupboard to assure that you have no more than a weeks worth of basic food. Any over that amount will be confiscated since your are “Hoarding”.  

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