Sunday, January 23, 2011

Darwin needs to reevaluate his thinking

Bellevue Washington is an upscale city just across Lake Washington from Seattle. But every once in a while an event occurs that proves that people really aren’t that far advanced in thinking and behavior as we would like to think we are. Imagine if you would, a recalcitrant van that is low on fuel and wants to stall out. Add three occupants who want to get to their destination no matter what and have no concept of cause and effect.

The driver doesn’t have a gas can so when she goes to the station she fills a bucket with two gallons of gas and puts it in the van. Note that I said in the van and not in the gas tank. Her two male companions take the engine cowling off, allowing access to the engine from inside the van and proceed to remove the carburetor air cleaner. Using a water bottle to transfer gasoline from the pail to the carburetor they start their journey into the police reporting system.

The van filled with gas fumes from the open pail of fuel and spillage from the water bottle and I don’t think I need to draw a picture of the sequence of events when the van once again stalled and an attempt was made to restart it.

All parties are reported to be recovering at a local hospital and I’m still laughing at the thought process (or lack thereof) of some people.

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