Friday, July 8, 2011

I'm Back

I stopped blogging the past few days for a very good reason. My Lady was able to come home for 5 days and I wanted and needed to focus on her and make her visit as enjoyable as possible. I leave it to her to tell you if I was successful, but I know that the time went by all too fast and the parting when she went back to the North West was bitter sweet.

I learned (as I had anticipated) that my cleaning standards are not up to her standards and that I have to do a better job of finding dust bunnies and related items of wifely concerns. Being a well trained husband I used the wise man’s response of “Yes Dear” and promised to do better in the future. But there were lots of moments of just holding hands, offering my troth and reveling in her being home.

Time went by much too rapidly and the house is a lot more lonely, even the pets realize she is away and they are trying to adjust to her absence by reminding me that I need to give them big meals and lots of treats. As a Gaffer however I have a reputation to uphold and I remind them in turn that I’ve got opposable thumbs and know how to use the can opener.

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