Friday, June 24, 2011


Summer in Kansas is usually bright, hot and dry but the weather gods have lately been bringing us lots of humid weather from the Gulf of Mexico. The farmers have bee appreciative since it looks like we have a very good crop season because of the humidity and the high water table from the winter snow pack.
The annual flooding that follows winter is exceptionally bad this year and the towns and farmers in the river flood plains are getting hammered. I’ve been on deployment with FEMA after flood events in both the northern and southern parts of the Mississippi River basin My experience is that, generally speaking the people in the upper Midwest are resilient and every time a levee is breached the dry out and keep looking on the bright side.  There are few complaints about FEMA or the Corp of Engineers and lots of planning already in place to improve the existing flood control plans.
Because of the humid weather I have limited my outdoor time to early morn or late evening but the last three days have been spectacularly dry because of a high pressure area bring dry mountain air to the region. With the lower air humidity even temperatures in the 80’s and 90’s are pleasant and taking a morning walk is just fun.

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