Wednesday, January 2, 2013

The Blame Game

Every morning I try to watch at least a few minutes of news while I'm getting dressed for work, it puts me in a cynical mood but I try to ignore that to I can deal with clients in a more positive frame of mind. The past weeks the talking heads that read the news de jour have been over extending themselves in spreading the word that the evil and/or sick people who have cause undue pain and suffering are the result of other peoples actions. So if out of the thousands of people who have seen a violent movie there is one sick individual who acts out his emotional fantasy and rage it's all the fault of the entertainment industry.

I grew up in the 40's and watched my kids growing up in the 60's and 70's and there was always some depiction of violence and bad behavior on the silver screen or the TV. While we have always had asocial people who are willing to do bad things there was no casting of blame when those people did wrong. Society dealt with the problem and the perpetrator and depended on the parents of the millions of kids growing up to teach them social morality and proper behavior. It was not then, and it should not be now a reason to blame others for the failure of an infinitesimal few to abide to the social norms that define us as a society.

While we are right to blame the individual and right to determine suitable punishment for their transgressions we should look to the parents who failed in their job of guiding the growing child down the proper path rather than blaming the media and the entertainment industry. I don't like the extravagant violence that is glorified today but it still remains the jo of the parent to see that their child knows right from wrong, understands the social contract and is willing to take responsibility for their actions.

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