Thursday, June 10, 2021

A Symbol of Love

 CC and I work hard, entertain ourselves with at home things and try to spend our money carefully. We do have one thing that routinely gets us out of the house and spending money. We like old furniture, antiques and things with historical stories to tell. As a result our home and its contents reflect periods in time that rewarded craftsmanship and built things to stand the test of time.

We do have many of the modern things of life that are marketed to make life easier and enjoyable, but we always seem to come back to those things that give us comfort and remind us of those past days we remember as slower and more contemplative.

A while back we were at an estate sale and I found a lawn ornament that now sits in a place of honor on our hearth. 


My call sign has been Frog for a long, long time and I just couldn't resist the story this statue tells of Frog and his Lady enjoying life together, laughing with nature and just being one with the other. Despite the pressures that each day might bring, we try to remember that the small things are the things that count and that a ladybug crawling on your wrist can be a memorable moment in time,

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