Tuesday, June 15, 2021

The Flags of our Fathers

 I don't consider myself to be a rabid patriot, but I do believe that I was born at a great time in a wonderful country. My grandfather left Norway for the United States because it offered him opportunities that were not available to him in the old country and those opportunities still exist in the U.S. today. The chance to do better is what drove my grandfather and is what drives all those who would immigrate to our country. I don't think there is any other country that is willing to receive people with a vision and give them unfettered opportunity to chase their goal. I owe my grandfather for chasing his dream and assuring that I was born here, not in an overseas society that looks back rather than forward and often limits individual progress.

 In honor of our heritage we fly the American Flag. But we also fly the Norwegian Flag to show the world that our heritage is not to be forgotten. (CC's ancestors also came from Norway so it's a given that we honor our forbearers in addition to the land that gave our parents the opportunity to thrive). Sadly there seem to be some people who don't see things in the same light and a recent opinion piece in the New York Times got my dander up.

A lady by the name of Mara Gray is on the editorial board of the Times and wrote that the display of the American Flag for Memorial Day was "disturbing" since the flag was "by its very nature a racist symbol". She has a right to her opinion, but I also have a right to consider her an ignorant ass who ignores the reality that outside the U.S. there are almost no place that would allow her the opportunity to show her distain for the country that nurtures her and the many people of all races and creeds that died to preserve her right to be an unappreciative fool. I suspect the lady would be "really disturbed" if she had seen our Norwegian heritage flag since apparently all symbols of respect, appreciation and pride are anathema to her.

Today the sun is shining on our two flags and we will continue to fly them, regardless of the feelings of those who can not understand that some things are worthy of defending. My ancestors and the many people of all backgrounds that founded and maintained our country deserve better than the likes of Ms. Gray.

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