Thursday, August 19, 2021

Time and Space

 So far this week all the work I've done has been court based. Two days of Small Claims cases are always going to make me happy that "I'm not one of those people". It continues to amaze me, the situations people can get into and the muddle they make of their lives trying to get out of the situation.

But that's what mediators do and I'm glad that I can help get (some) of the people I deal with on track to resolving whatever it was that brought them to me.

Yesterday I drove several hours to a family court hearing. The hearing itself was nothing special and the judge's decision was not unexpected. what I did find interesting was the difference between the court I usually work with and the rural court where the hearing was held. My court serves a population of more than 700,000 people and has 24 sitting judges. Security is tight, you have to pass through a metal detector, lots of deputies are available and camera everywhere. The rural court, while it has the latest in judicial support systems is staffed with 1 judge for less than 8,000 people. There were no metal detectors, no deputies and nothing to indicate that security was important. I really didn't need to leave stuff in my car that I have to remove at my home court.

So it's all a matter of need and perception. At my court we know there is a percentage of people who do not wish the system well and are prepared to demonstrate their feelings. In the rural area everyone knows each other and trust is apparent.

It kind of makes me wish I lived out there.

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